
Heather = Nerd

I asked John to let me do the repairs to my machine... that I'd need his help, but I wanted to do the work. I'm sitting on my laptop now. The toasted drive is plugged into the old machine in the office so that I can get data off of it. It's awesome that I was able to do that.

Also: This is so awesome on every nerdy little level. Go ahead and laugh folks - just be sure you're laughing WITH us, and not at us. (For the record, I do not know these people, I am not one of the costumed people, I wasn't there when it happened. STILL awesome!)

It's not too late to get your tickets to "A Man Called Peter" at Rejoice Church. The $20 ticket includes your supper and $10 tax-deductible gift to Student and Drama Ministries Missions trips. The show is Friday at 7:00 pm.

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