All Of The Words, Kutless
How do I speak of the indescribable to You
I will try to explain these feelings that are true
So looking to the sky I will sing and from my heart to You I bring
All of the words in all of my life that could never explain and never describe
All of my love, which is nothing to hide so I lift up my hands and I worship
I worship You
In your presence I forever choose to live
I will praise You for it's all I have to give
So looking to the sky I will sing and from my heart to You I bring
All of the words in all of my life that could never explain and never describe
All of my love, which is nothing to hide so I lift up my hands and I worship
By Your grace You let me come talk to You
It's not that I'm worthy I thank you Jesus
For the love that You have shown
All of the words in all of my life that could never explain and never describe
All of my love, which is nothing to hide so I lift up my hands and I worship
With all of the words in all of my life that could never explain and never describe
All of my love, which is nothing to hide so I lift up my hands and I worship
I worship You
I first heard this song on Scrubs; there have been several songs on the show that I have to download after I've heard them. It was surprising to me to hear a Christian song on a network show... but it's still an amazing song, so when I saw the episode again in reruns, I opted to blog about it.
I've felt like this many times in my life, that God is SO big, so far beyond our explanation that I can't even begin to describe who He is, what He is. His grace, given freely, is so much more than we can express, His love is so much greater than we can even begin to imagine. So much of my poetry and my blogging is an attempt to put into words that you and I, in our temporal, limited, mortal bodies and brains can understand, even though the concepts I long to express are so far beyond our comprehension.
For instance: God exists outside of the limits of time; He can see the future and the past in ways we cannot imagine. So, as the Voice of God speaks over the deeps in the first verse of Genesis, He knows already the entirety of history. He can see beyond the limits He builds into earth for our sakes. He sees the sacrifice His Son will make on our behalf. He can see the way we will all stumble blindly. He sees the hatred we will pour out on each other and on His perfect, holy, acceptable Son. And still He says “Let us make man in our image” and that we are “good”. His love breathed into us the divine spark of life, even as He knew it would cost Him His final breath.
How do I express how BIG an idea that is? How can I make real to you the amazing gift of grace that is in the act of creation, in the birth of time? How can I ever bring home to you the inestimable Love of God? And that's just one aspect of His great and mighty love. He is Creator, mighty enough to call existence itself into being, who sets the course of the stars in the heavens and the limits of the waters. He is God Almighty (All Mighty) who creates the great whales and squids and elephants and the smallest blades of grass and the mightiest forests with a word. He is Judge, who sees all that is done in time, and holds us accountable to Him for our actions... no injustice goes unseen, unanswered. He is Grace, pouring out His own life for offenses not His. He is Mercy, applying His sacrifice to our own account. He is Love. He is as far above us as we are above an amoeba. His ways are as far above ours as the sky is from the earth below it.
So I echo the cry of Kutless: How do I express the inexpressible? How do I speak of things that have been tatooed onto my deepest heart to anyone and ever do them justice? What can I do but pour out all my words, though they will never do God justice, though they can never explain who He is, what He is, how AMAZING He is? What can I do but try to find a way in our temporal bodies to pour out all of the Love He's poured into me? What can I do but raise my hands above my head in an attempt to give back every bit He's given me in worship?
I do sign language to praise songs in church; I'm hardly good enough to provide services to the deaf... I know just the 50-100 concepts needed for most praise songs. And yet, as I sing praise to my amazing God, I can no more still my hands than I could silence my voice... even in my limited way, I must pour out all of the words to express all of my love in worship.
Beloved, if you do not know my Jesus, if you have never met the Savior who gave all of who He is to woo you to Himself in love for you, please, do not go another minute. The words of your prayer are less important than the heart behind them.
“Dear God, I want to know You. I know that I have nothing of my own to bring You, nothing that would allow me to come before your perfection and power. Yet I believe that You still seek me, that You sent Your Son Jesus to win me to You. In His name, in His sacrifice, I come to You now. I don't even know where to begin, except to ask that You would draw near to me, make Yourself known to me, and teach me how to walk with You as You desire. In Jesus' name I ask these things. So May It Be.”
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