

I'm a pack rat.
I am a pack rat.
I'm an AWFUL pack rat.

Today, as we worked on packing to move, John and I decided to purge. We tossed 4 boxes full of papers. I also tossed some binders I had put all sorts of stuff in that I didn't need after all.

John feels much better to have gotten rid of clutter. I don't feel AS good about it, but I am certain that I did the right thing, and it feels good to take this step in the right direction. It's small steps like this that might actually make the house easier to keep clean. Lets see where this takes me.




John got the job. We found a nice little house to rent, 3 bed, 1.5 bath, garage, in Owasso, a much CLOSER commute than before. We'll be packing and moving for the next week, as well as getting John's paperwork for the job taken care of.

Still, it's exiting to have found a place so quickly, and Owasso ROCKS! I'm really excited!



Musical Musings: Arise, My Love, Newsong

Arise, My Love
By Newsong

Not a word was heard at the tomb that day.
Just shuffling of soldiers feet as they guarded the grave.
One day, two days, three days had past.
Could it be that Jesus breathed his last?

Could it be that his Father had forsaken him?
Turned his back on his son, dispising our sin.
Oh hell seemed to whisper, "Just forget it, He's dead."
Then the Father looked down to his son and he said..

Arise, My love.
Arise, My love.
The grave no longer has a hold on you
No more death sting
No more suffering
Arise...Arise...my love.

The Earth trembled and the tomb began to shake, and like lightening from Heaven
The stone was rolled away.
And this dead man the guards they all stood there in fright
As the power of love displayed its might
And suddenly a melody filled the air
Riding wings of wind, it was everywhere
The words of creation had been longing to hear.
The sweet sound of victory, so loud and clear.

Arise, my love.
Arise, my love.
The grave no longer has a hold on you.
No more death sting no more suffering

Sin, where are your shackles?
Death, where is your sting?
Hell; has been defeated. The grave will not hold, the king.

Arise, my love.
Arise, my love.

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these…keeping busy with life (darn it, having a life really interferes with my not having a life!!) tends to interfere with my free time to just sit and think about things, and I had to find a new song that spoke to me…fitting that a song by Newsong should be the new song that “set me off”.

The artists of Newsong paint the vivid picture of that first Easter morning, the early dawn that saw the resurrection of the living Christ. And just for the records: Christ died and was buried Friday, before the sundown and commencement of Shabbat. That’s day one. Shabbat is from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. That’s day two. Early Sunday morning, the women hurried to the tomb once the sun was up to illuminate the way (no streetlights to light the way back then), and found that Christ had been resurrected. That’s day three.

Through their lyrics, we see the supposition in Hell that they’ve finally won, that the Son of God is dead. But then, in a moment that changed everything, they tell us that God looked down on His beloved Son and called out “Arise, my Love!”

I cry when I listen to this, and particularly when I try to sing along (and no, it’s not because I sound so bad!). But part of what makes me cry so is the other message I can hear in this song. You see, I can hear more than just the call of God to His Son…I can hear the call of God, of Christ, to his slumbering bride.

We, as a body, have grown comfortable, content, even complacent in our place. We take comfort in the promise of eternal life, not as much because we yearn to be with our creator as our desire to escape Hell and the weeping and gnashing of teeth. Our ideas of eternity often include ideas of our own pleasure, so that Heaven becomes a hedonistic pleasure palace focused on our own wants than it is basking every day, every moment, in the omnipotent will and love of the God who longs for us to delight in Him alone. We worship a god, alright…the god of our own comfort and pleasure.

Yes, I know, I just stepped on toes…I stepped on my own in the process (impressive, ain’t it? :P ). But then I can do as the early disciples did, and obey the Lord despite the cost, stepping on toes in the process, or I can consider the comfort of those around me and shut up the message that I feel God is crying to His church. Ah, but then I face a new problem, one Jeremiah faced. “But if I say, ‘I will not mention Him or speak anymore in His name,’ His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.” (Jeremiah 20:9)

So here I go, stepping on toes again, including my own. If you don’t want to hear more, you don’t want to read more. But if you long to please your King, you’ll keep reading, pray, and ask Him to reveal Himself and His truth to you. And there are those in the world that aren’t living a comfortable Christianity, people who have to hide their identities to survive every day, and yet who remain because the Word burns within them to share the Love of God with an otherwise unreachable people. Yes, they are oridinary people, humans who make mistakes like the rest of us, who are fallible and reachable…but they’re living on the razor’s edge. They aren’t the ones I’m accusing of being content in their Hell Insurance. Its you, and me, that I’m talking to. Those of us who are able to sit back and let the world pass us by. Soccer Moms. Nascar Dads. Going through the day to day with little or no thought to the God that gives us every breath we take. Yup…there are those toes again. (Maybe I should invest in steel-toed boots?)

Paul said that we count all that was to our profit as loss for the sake of Christ. He counts everything rubbish (I understand the original word here could be better translated sewage), that he may gain Christ and be found in Him. “I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death…” (Phillipian 3:10)

So how are we sharing in His sufferings? If we are comfortable and content, where is there room to share in His suffering, and thus know the power that resurrected Him? Why don’t we see the kinds of miracles that are recorded in the Bible today? Because we’re too content to let Him pour Himself through us. Yes, I said it. We are the reason that we don’t see God working. Why should be bother to shake us up when we don’t want Him to? We refused to be worked in the Potter’s hands, while too many die without Him every minute that passes us in our coupes and sedans.

And yes, I’m confessing to being just as guilty as everyone else. I don’t do what I know I should, and that is sin. What am I going to do about it? This is part of what I’m doing about it. But what are you going to do?

The resurrected Christ is looking at a dead church. He has the power to resurrect us, to make us like Him. But before we can get there, we have to make the sacrifice and die to ourselves. We have to share in His sufferings. Christ has set us free, and we’re sitting here with open shackles on our ankles, believing we’re still prisoners. We suffer the pain of imprisonment that isn’t ours because we refuse to share in the sufferings of Christ, sufferings He bore in our stead. He longs to set you free! Can’t you hear His call?

Arise, My Love! Arise, My Love! The grave no longer has a hold on you! No more Death’s sting, no more suffering! Arise! Arise, My Love!


I couldn't make this up if I TRIED...

You may have noticed that I've been FAR less active and around of late. I am finally able to explain.

John (that's my hubby, for those who didn't know) and I had been noticing some electrical problems at home. When the washer was running, the image on the TV would "dance" in time with the agitator. If we started the dryer, it would dim everything. And it was already 90 degrees in APRIL and this house has no central heat or air...so it was HOT.

We were, understandably, concerned. The landlords, who happen to be John's parents, had just had TWO surgeries...Mom's broken arm in Feb, and Dad's back stimulator thing in March. They'd also had to replace a hot water heater in November, and the water line from the street to the house in March. We were really concerned about new electrical problems and the effect this might have on their budget. As a result, we'd been opting to just live with it so far.

Last Wednesday (4.12.06) we were on our way to work when John discovered he had a flat tire. Crap. We went to get it replaced, only to find out 2 HOURS later that they couldn't replace it; there was something bent that needed repaired first. OK. Drove across town to another place that could repair the bent bit and replace the tires. By now, most of the morning was shot. John and I spent the day working from home and then went to pick up the now repaired car. This was about $500 of work. :(

Thursday (4.13.06) John had a pre-interview screening test over the phone in the afternoon, so he had to leave work early that day. Since I'd gone in with him, I too, had to leave early. That worked; I'd set an appointment for the dog to see the vet since he was making a nasty coughing noise (before I knew I'd have to go in to work with him...and for those who don't know, work is an hour from home). I planned to take the dog, and his little doggy buddy, to the vet, then take them to go play somewhere and have fun. Alas, while AT the vet, Doggies caught sight/smell of another dog (surprise surprise) and nearly tore my foot off trying to get the other doggy. Actually, they just managed to cut a cute little 3 inch long gash across the top of my foot that promptly started to bleed. No park for puppies; I can't have dust blowing into the fresh wound, and I'm having trouble standing on that foot anyway. So I bring them home, John has his interview thing, and then we install a new window ac unit in the bedroom (because I haven't been sleeping AT ALL for the past 3 days while the temps so freaking HOT (and in APRIL, dammit!!), whereupon I slice the tip of one of my fingers open, too. Actually, it's 6 small slices, and none of them are as deep, but they bleed nicely.

Friday (4.14.06) I spend the WHOLE day in the office by myself, thoroughly confused, feeling utterly worthless, and wondering what the crap I'm supposed to be DOCUMENTING when I'm ALL THE FREAK ALONE. It was just a crappy day. I get home. No internet. Well, it's spotty. Everytime we turn on the AC, the TV goes off. Everytime the washer starts agitating, the connection goes down. We know that SOMETHING has to be done, but we don't have the energy to deal with jack. Oh, and I make snacks for the youth at my church who are having a special event this weekend.

Saturday (4.15.06) John and I go to church and help cook a meal for the youth for their event thingy. Still wonky power at home.

Sunday (4.16.06) John and I go to church. We come home. We rest. He naps. We go to church. John plays with the network and decides it the cable company, not us. I call the cable company. They schedule someone to come out between 8 am and NOON on Tuesday.

Monday (4.17.06) John goes to work. John calls me and tells me I have to get up, get dressed, so we can make it to a morning meeting an HOUR away in 30 minutes. I scramble. We go to the dumb meeting. During meeting, cable guy calls...I tell him I'm not in town today, but I'll be there tomorrow, when the appt is. John gets a call from the folks he had the screening thing with. They want to fly him down for an interview. We go to the new work offices (5 mins closer than the old ones). John tells the boss "I need Wed off...just to give you a heads up, I'm looking at going to Cisco. We spend the day assembling furniture. We go to lunch, I order yumness, get my pre-yumness salad (not bad, thank you) and promptly become ill. I spend the rest of the lunch debating the relative merits of toilet worship. I never actually worship the toilet (thank GOD). I assemble more furniture, cut boxes up, take trash out in 95+ degree weather, and then shut down because I'm SO miserable I can't stand myself. We go to IHOP and have icecream, soda, and internet access. I send my note and chat a WEEE little bit. I buy a Tulsa paper (if this interview goes as well as everyone expects it to, we'll be moving to Tulsa).

Tuesday (4.18.06) John goes to work. Cable guy comes. Turns out that the electrical systems at the house had co-opted the cable to complete the circuit and FRIED the cable. The guy won't touch the line to re-run it until the electrical issues are dealt with (smart man). I call electrician, and then insist that John come home...Cable guy has left me with the very STRONG impression that it's nothing short of a miracle that the house hasn't torched itself already. John comes home, he and I are frantically cleaning house. Electrician comes. Electrician ROCKS...he doesn't charge us one red cent to find out that the problem is with the electric company. I call the electric company. They come out. The wires run across the neighbor's yard, through their trees, and are TOUCHING our garage. More miracles are recognised. The electric company guy (8 feet tall at least, and no more than 80 pounds, I SWEAR, and approximately 60 years old) says he can't touch the trees, the neighbors aren't home and don't own it even if they were, and I don't know their landlord. Electric company guy climbs ladder to look at where it's LAYING on the garage, goes into the neighbor's yard, and discovers the trees aren't the issue at all. Well, not much. No, our wire has a SERIOUS problem. It seems squirrels have been having our electrical line for lunch. SQUIRRELS WERE EATING MY ELECTRICAL LINES. Apparently, he's seen this before, just not so thoroughly done...they've eaten it about half gone like some kind of mettalic squirrly corn on the cob thing. He splices in a new bit of line, and poof! ALL of our previously troublesome electrical problems are GONE. No more dancing TV screen, can have the AC, TV, washer, dryer, and microwave all on, all working, all at the same time. Great, but I still have a melted cable. Call the cable company and take John to buy new shoes for his interview tomorrow. Cable company calls. I LEAVE John at the mall, race home, and get here just as the cable guy (diff one) pulls up. He runs new wires, Dogs sit with me cheerfully, both the one who's found the great love of water in the 90+ degree weather, and the other who thinks he'll melt if he gets wet. I go pick John up, we go buy a new AC for the rest of the house, and arrange for installation. This is another $500 dollars. We pick up his suit that we had dry cleaned today to be ready for tomorrow, come home, and rest. I'm now sitting here, printing out stuff for his interview, making sure that everything is ready so he can get up, get dressed, and be out of the house by 6am tomorrow morning, to get to the airport by 7am, to be in Dallas by 9 am for a meeting at 9:45 am. He'll be home tomorrow evening, and we're hoping with a serious offer with the serious raide we've heard rumored (double his current salary!!)

Lets review.
I've been unable to get online because SQUIRRELS ATE MY ELECTRICAL LINE.

I'm hoping the reason I haven't found charred squirrel bodies is that the dogs mistook them for fresh h'ors d'oeuvres. That would be justice. Otherwise, I want to see some fried squirrel, dammit!

But All of that is behind me. I'm online again, I have power, and if all goes well, I could be moving to Tulsa before summer...that, judging from this April, will be roughly 10 degrees HOTTER than the inside of an erupting volcano.

Like I said, I couldn't make it up if I TRIED.


Good afternoon...

OK, it's April 12th and it's already over 80 in central OK.
This summer is going to be ROUGH.

In other news.
Had to replace tires on the monte carlo.

Jennifer is having a baby boy.

Sarah is also pregnant.

The dogs are doing so-so in obedience school. We taught them to sit in front of us; now we have to get them to stay on our left and sit.

My job has expanded. I'm now also the engineering diagrammer. I'll be producing the Idiot's Guide to implementing this complex design. Or something. Watch me stay busy, folks! WOW this is going to be a LOT of work.

Kit has learned the dogs can't get him, so he torments them with relative impugnity. Dumb cat. He also keeps dumping the water dish...which means NEITHER kitty has anything to drink. Dumb cat. Still; he HAS to be where I am, and there's something endearing about that. Boy, did he ever figure out how to stay put; dumb cat or not, it's going to break my heart when it comes time to say my last good byes to him.

OK, the heat is killing my brain, and what neurons survive the heat are dying in the face of the new challenges at work. WOW. Later, folks!